Green Warriors of Norway

Norges Miljøvernforbund sin nettside er nettopp flyttet til en ny webserver og blir snart oppgradert med nytt og bedre design. Alt innholdet er tilgjengelig som før. Nettsiden blir fortløpende oppdatert og foreligger snart i ny og forbedret utgave. Vi takker for forståelsen.

Academic heavyweights within environmental protection

We work tirelessly with a wide register of environmental matters, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. As a stable and independent organisation, we conduct active, efficient and ongoing environmental protection work against questioning politicians and established sources of pollution.

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Account no. 3208.26.05966 – Vipps 96748

Flytedokken complains to Climate and Environment Minister Rotevatn“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Marine environment

Flytedokken complains to Climate and Environment Minister Rotevatn

By 2 March 2020 0
I et brev til den nye miljøvernministeren,Sveinung Rotevatn,  krever Norges Miljøvernforbund (NMF) at sentrale miljømyndigheter
GMOs are hormone suppressants“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Environmental toxins Safe food

GMOs are hormone suppressants

By 2 March 2020 0
Av: Gerard Ridgway Omfattende kjemikaliebruk på GMO vekster Endokrine forstyrrende kjemikalier er mye brukt i GMO jordbruk. Disse kjemikaliene er
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association demands that the death of birds in the cages be stopped with immediate effect“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Marine environment Endangered species

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association demands that the death of birds in the cages be stopped with immediate effect

By 25 February 2020 0
Norges Miljøvernforbund har i dag sendt et krav til Fiskeridirektoratet om at oppdrettsindustrien går over til fuglevennlige nett
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association receives support from the Ministry of Climate and the Environment in our demand to clean up lead on shooting ranges“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Environmental toxins

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association receives support from the Ministry of Climate and the Environment in our demand to clean up lead on shooting ranges

By 21 February 2020 0
Blybekkene – Vann fra skytebane er fullt av bly – Skjermbilde – Foto: NRK Norges Miljøvernforbund sendte krav til Klima og miljø
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