Information from the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association and Motvind Norge
Norges Miljøvernforbund (established in 1993) and Motvind Norge (established in 2019) are member-based organizations with a total of now close to 20,000 members. Both organizations want Norway to stop all further development of wind power on land and in coastal areas. The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is also against the development of all offshore wind on the Norwegian continental shelf.
In the last year, the wind power cases have received more and more attention, as popular opposition has increased dramatically. A long series of actions against ongoing developments shows the strength of what can now rightly be called the "wind power rebellion".
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association and Motvind Norge have somewhat different strategies in their work to achieve the joint goals of halting the further development of wind power. In a few cases, this has led to disagreements in the implementation of specific protest actions, mainly triggered by misunderstandings and poor communication between the organisations.
We, head of NMF Kurt Oddekalv and secretary general of MN Rune Haaland, had a meeting today, where the situation was reviewed and misunderstandings were cleared. Development on Haramsøya is very topical at the moment. There, Motvind Norge will pursue the legal/judicial track, while the Norwegian Environmental Association will work to support the local actions against the development.
We will put forward a joint proposal for our organizations to ensure routines for good and continuous contact in the further work for the organizations' common goals.
Bergen/Stavanger, 18/6/2020
Oslo, 18.6.2020
Kurt Oddekalv / sign
Head of the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association
Rune Haaland / sign
Secretary General Motvind Norge
Press contacts:
Kurt Oddekalv – 908 92 268
Rune Haaland – 480 25 701
Statement - Rune Haaland (PDF)
One of the reasons for the misunderstandings as described above is that the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association's inquiries and invitation to a joint meeting have been ignored and not answered since this was raised for the first time in August 2019. With this, we look forward to a good collaboration with Motvind Norge for to stop the ravages of wind power in the Norwegian landscape.