Green Warriors of Norway

Norges Miljøvernforbund sin nettside er nettopp flyttet til en ny webserver og blir snart oppgradert med nytt og bedre design. Alt innholdet er tilgjengelig som før. Nettsiden blir fortløpende oppdatert og foreligger snart i ny og forbedret utgave. Vi takker for forståelsen.

Academic heavyweights within environmental protection

We work tirelessly with a wide register of environmental matters, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. As a stable and independent organisation, we conduct active, efficient and ongoing environmental protection work against questioning politicians and established sources of pollution.

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The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, together with MDG Trøndelag, is demanding a complete halt to the whitefish fishery in the Trondheimsfjord“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Marine environment Endangered species Uncategorized

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, together with MDG Trøndelag, is demanding a complete halt to the whitefish fishery in the Trondheimsfjord

By 13 November 2019 0
Norges Miljøvernforbund krever sammen med MDG Trøndelag full stans av Brislingfisket i Trondheimsfjorden. Av: Arne Roger Hansen Hvert å
GMO-Soya is a major climate burden“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Climate Safe food Uncategorized

GMO-Soya is a major climate burden

By 13 November 2019 0
GMO-Soya og annen soya har fått oppmerksomhet pga. tilsynelatende rask ukontrollert avskoging av regnskogen i Amazonas. Av: Gerard Ridgway
The Swedish Environmental Protection Association demands that the decision to leave the sunken 12,000 ton floating dock be lifted“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Marine environment Environmental toxins Uncategorized

The Swedish Environmental Protection Association demands that the decision to leave the sunken 12,000 ton floating dock be lifted

By 13 November 2019 0
Miljøvernforbundet (NMF) krever etterlatelsesvedtak opphevet for sunket 12000 tonn flytedokk ved CCB, Ågotnes Av: Jan-Hugo Holten I en klage til
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency campaigned against the Zero Conference 2019“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Climate Uncategorized Wind power

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency campaigned against the Zero Conference 2019

By 6 November 2019 0
NMF aksjonerte i dag mot klimastiftelsen Zero og deres press for å bygge ut naturødeleggende vindkraft i Norge. De falske
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