Carl I. Hagen took up several issues and moments from the Environment magazine 1-2019 Wind power from the Storting's lectern on Wednesday 4 December 2019.
Miljømagasinet 1-2019 was distributed to all Storting representatives immediately after the opening of the Storting on 2 October this year. The politicians have now had time to review the content.
Carl I. Hagen's speech came already the day after Oil and Energy Minister Kjell-Børge Freibergs visit to Haramsøy where he was confronted with the citizens' frustration over the highly controversial and imminent wind power development of Zephyr.
Carl I. Hagen began his speech with this:
I saw on TV yesterday that the oil and energy minister was visiting Haram municipality in Møre og Romsdal, where there was a violent local protest against plans for wind power.
Let me first say that I am very happy that the Government and the Minister of Oil and Energy have stopped the licensing process for all the projects that have been discussed, that have been applied for, pending better information. It is positive.
Furthermore, he took out Miljømagsinet 1-2019 Wind power and said further:
Jeg vil gjerne gjøre oppmerksom på et magasin, Miljømagasinet, som er fra Norges Miljøvernforbund, hvor de går gjennom dette med vindkraft.
There are many who in this debate have talked about renewable energy as a kind of alternative to the life-giving gas CO2, which comes from various other energy production – very little in Norway, but from many other countries.
Here, the Environmental Protection Association has considered the claims about wind power, and they come up with some juicy counter-claims and say that this is an environmental threat and climate burden, i.e. the exact opposite of what the supporters of renewable energy say.
"One subtitle is: "Nature is sacrificed for money". It is clear that nature is being sacrificed, not for us here in Oslo, but for those who live in District Norway."
Alternative energikilder går man inn på, geotermisk energi samt selvsagt opprustning av veldig mange vannkraftanlegg. Der vil jeg be begge statsråder bidra til at det blir mer likeverdige forhold for de ulike energikilder når det gjelder skatteregler og avgiftsregler og avskrivningsregler, slik at vi kan få alternativer opp mot hverandre om hva som er lønnsomt. Da må man ha de samme rammebetingelsene. De går inn på miljøbevegelsen og de grønne sertifikater, som har pålagt Norges befolkning økte strømpriser for å finansiere hva jeg kaller klimagalskapen. Det er også myndighetenes bløff med klimatall som gås gjennom, forvaltningens fallitt, samrøre og korrupsjon – her er det meget alvorlige anklager, og det er visst også slik at noen vindkraftoperatører har kjøpt seg goodwill.
Low frequency noise
Very gratifying that Carl I. Hagen sees the problems surrounding low-frequency noise and infrasound. Until now, this has been completely overlooked by our authorities and is neither measured nor a condition in wind power concessions.
It is just as much a problem for those who live near a wind power plant and are affected. Here, it is important to get good regulations in place, and quickly.
Carl I. Hagen challenged Climate and Environmental Protection Minister Ola Elvestuen on this.
"There are also other things I will be allowed to challenge. In particular, I would like to request that the Elvestuen ministry look into getting rules for low-frequency noise, which today has no upper limit, and which is necessary."
At the same time, it is now important that we follow up on this challenge and demand that the Minister for the Environment draw up good guidelines for this.
Both ministers are challenged
In conclusion, both ministers, Freiberg and Elvestuen, were challenged to find fault in the Environment magazine.
Jeg vil gjerne utfordre begge statsråder til å klargjøre, gjerne skriftlig, hva det er som er feil i de artiklene som står i Miljømagasinet til Norges miljøvernforbund. Det kan godt hende at det ikke er korrekt, men det skulle være veldig artig å se en tilbakevisning av det som står i dette, etter min oppfatning, veldig gode heftet.
We thank Carl I. Hagen for taking a good look at the wind power issue and raising it to the Storting. As all Storting representatives have received Miljømagasinet 1-2019, we will at the same time use the opportunity to challenge more politicians to come forward around the topics and issues we highlight in our magazine.
Ref.: Storting Wednesday 4 December 2019 at 10.00
Read the entire Miljømagasinet here: