The Swedish Environmental Protection Association is very relieved that the Climate and the Ministry of the Environment are taking the complaints from virtually every environmental organization in Norway into account and changing the predatory game board's scandalous decision, which in practice would have put an end to the Norwegian wolf tribe. We have received a very thorough decision from the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, and have cut out some extracts that may deserve an extra honour!
The Ministry of Climate and the Environment amends the predatory game boards' decisions of 21 June and 16 September 2016, and does not allow for the license felling of wolves in the wolf regions Kynna, Slettås and Letjenna, which are all within the wolf zone. Furthermore, the ministry also does not allow for license felling of wolves in the Osdal region, which is mainly outside the wolf zone. It is the ministry's assessment that the extent of damage and damage potential for all areas is very limited, and that there are other satisfactory solutions than license cancellation. The case has been submitted to the Law Department of the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, which states that the case does not provide a basis for establishing that the conditions for killing wolves have been met in the relevant cases. The complaints from the environmental organizations have thus been upheld.
As you can see from the excerpts we have cut out, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate has made a good professional assessment, for those particularly interested we are attaching the entire document.